Preview : Bayern Munich vs Wolfsburg [ 프리뷰 : 바이에른 뮌헨 vs 볼프스부르크 ]

Germany Bundesliga League

Preview : Bayern Munich vs Wolfsburg [ 프리뷰 : 바이에른 뮌헨 vs 볼프스부르크 ]

white suit 2020. 12. 15. 10:45

[ head to head ]

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[ probable Lineups ]

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Bayern Munich possible starting lineup:
Nauer; Pavard, Boateng, Alaba, Davies; Tolisso, Goretzka; Sane, Muller, Coman; Lewandowski

Wolfsburg possible starting lineup:
Casteels; Mbabu, Lacroix, Brooks, Roussillon; Arnold, Schlager; Baku, Philipp, Brekalo; Weghorst

by sportsmole

[ Bayern Munich news ]

  • Robert Lewandowski scored on his 200th Bundesliga appearance for Bayern with just the small matter of 175 goals to his name. Lewandowski once scored five goals in nine minutes as a sub against Bayern's midweek visitors.
  • Leon Goretzka went off late against Union Berlin with a muscle injury. Corentin Tolisso could step into midfield.
  • Niklas Süle may return after a thigh injury, but summer signing Tanguy Nianzou is ruled out with the same injury.
  • With a clean sheet, Manuel Neuer can draw level with Oliver Kahn on 196 - a Bundesliga record.
  • Javi Martinez has an adductor injury and is ruled out until January.
  • Canadian star Alphonso Davies has recovered from an ankle injury, while Joshua Kimmich is making "big progress" on his comeback trail.
  • by whoscored

로버트 레반도프스키가 바이에른에서 분데스리가 200번째 출전 때 자신의 이름만 175골이라는 작은 문제로 골을 넣었다. 레반도프스키가 주 중반 바이에른 방문자들을 상대로 서브로 9분 만에 5골을 넣은 적이 있다.
리언 고레츠카는 근육 부상으로 베를린을 상대로 늦게 출발했다. 코렌틴 톨리스소가 중원에 나설 수도 있다.
니클라스 슐레는 허벅지 부상 후 복귀할 수 있지만 여름 계약인 탄구이 넨조우는 같은 부상으로 제외된다.
마뉴엘 노이어는 분데스리가 기록인 196번 올리버 칸과 어깨를 나란히 할 수 있다.
Javi Martinez는 유도 부상을 입었고 1월까지 제외된다.
캐나다의 스타 알폰소 데이비스가 발목 부상에서 회복했고, 조슈아 키미치는 복귀전에서 '큰 진전'을 보이고 있다.



by sportsmole

바이에른은 리그 4경기에서 3번째 비긴 뒤 지난해 12월 한시 플릭이 구단 상임이사로 선임된 이후 최근 한 달 동안 11경기 때보다 승점이 많이 떨어졌다.

유니온 베를린이 두 명의 최고 골잡이 맥스 크루스와 로버트 안드리히를 보유하고 있었다면 현재 6위 자리를 차지하고 있는 측면의 한 지점에서는 그렇게 나쁜 결과를 느끼지 않았을지도 모른다. 하지만 미드필더 2명이 각각 부상과 출전정지 처분을 받아 양측 간 1-1 무승부가 놀라운 결과를 낳았다.

그리샤 프로멜은 역대 두 번째 시즌에만 분데스리가에서 경쟁하고 있는 유니언 베를린을 4분 만에 플라이어(flier)로 내보냈지만 로버트 레반도프스키의 후반 스트라이크로 스포일러의 점유율이 보장됐다.

3분의 2 이상의 점유율을 유지했음에도 불구하고, 바이에른이 자신들만의 높은 기준에 의해 목표물에 5개의 슛을 넣은 비교적 낮은 집계는 그들의 덜 공상적인 상대들과 일치했다. 이것은 현재 모든 것이 바이에른인들에게 그다지 매력적이지 않다는 것을 암시한다. 그들은 이번 시즌에 아직 패배하지 않은 볼프스부르크 팀을 상대로 더 나은 경기를 해야 한다.



Bayern remain without Joshua Kimmich until the New Year after the midfielder sustained meniscus damage against Borussia Dortmund last month, so Corentin Tolisso could start in midfield having come off the bench in Berlin on Saturday.

Javi Martinez and Tanguy Nianzou are out with muscle injuries, which is an occurrence Flick may look to minimise by rotating his side given the quick turnaround between fixtures. Leroy Sane may be afforded an opportunity from the start, then, with Douglas Costa an alternative option.

by sportsmole

바이에른은 지난달 보루시아 도르트문트를 상대로 메니쿠스 피해를 입은 뒤 새해까지 조슈아 킴미치가 없는 상태로 남아 있어 코렌틴 톨리스소가 25일 베를린 벤치를 나와 미드필더로 나설 수 있게 됐다.

하비 마르티네즈와 탄기니안조우는 근육 부상으로 결장하고 있는데, 이는 플릭시가 고정장치 사이의 빠른 회전을 고려해 옆구리를 회전함으로써 최소화할 수 있는 현상이다. Leroy Sane은 처음부터 더글러스 코스타를 대체할 수 있는 기회를 얻을 수 있을 것이다.



Bayern Munich go into this match coming off the back of a 1-1 Bundesliga 1 stalemate vs Union Berlin.

In that game, Bayern Munich managed 68% possession and 12 shots on goal with 5 of them on target. The only player to score for Bayern Munich was Robert Lewandowski (67'). 1. FC Union Berlin had 12 attempts on goal with 5 of them on target. Grischa Prömel (4') scored for Union Berlin.

Bayern Munich haven’t been able to stop scoring goals, finding the back of the net every time they’ve gone out to play in their last 6 matches.

They have claimed a sum of 13 during that time while seeing the number of goals scored against them stand at 7. Even so, it remains to be seen whether the trend shall be maintained in this game or not.

Their prior results show that Bayern Munich:

  • are unbeaten in the league by VfL Wolfsburg in their previous 10 games. A long run without a loss.
  • are unbeaten in their last 15 league matches at home. What a fortress they have created.
  • haven’t won at home in the past 2 league matches.

Tanguy Nianzou (Torn muscle bundle), Javi Martínez (Hamstring Injury) and Joshua Kimmich (Meniscus Damage) are unavailable for Bayern manager Hans-Dieter Flick.

by footballpredictions

바이에른 뮌헨은 1-1 분데스리가 1 대 1의 교착상태와 유니언 베를린의 대결에서 벗어나 이번 경기에 출전한다.

그 경기에서 바이에른 뮌헨은 68%의 점유율을 기록했고, 그 중 5개를 목표로 12개의 슛을 골로 연결했다. 바이에른 뮌헨에서 유일하게 골을 넣은 선수는 로버트 레반도프스키(67'). 1. FC 유니언 베를린은 이 중 5개를 목표로 12번의 골 시도를 했다. 그리샤 프뢰멜(4')이 베를린 유니온에서 득점했다.

바이에른 뮌헨은 최근 6경기 동안 출전하기 위해 나갈 때마다 골밑을 찾는 등 득점 행진을 멈추지 못하고 있다.

그들은 이 기간 동안 13골을 넣으며 자신들을 상대로 득점한 득점이 7골인 것을 보았다. 그렇더라도 이번 경기에서도 유행이 유지될지는 미지수다.

그들의 이전 결과를 보면 바이에른 뮌헨은 다음과 같다.

VfL 볼프스부르크가 이전 10경기에서 무패였다. 무실점 장기전.
홈에서 열린 지난 15번의 리그 경기에서 무패였다. 얼마나 요새를 만들었는가.
지난 두 번의 리그 경기에서 홈에서 이기지 못했다.

한스-디터 플릭 바이에른 감독은 탕구이 니안조우(테른 근육다발), 하비 마르티네스(햄스트링 부상), 조슈아 키미치(메니스커스 데미지)를 이용할 수 없다.

[ Wolfsburg news ]

  • Admir Mehmedi has an Achilles injury, while Renato Steffen is struggling with a thigh problem. Yunnis Malli is also feeling back pain.
  • Defender Marin Pongracic is over his bout of COVID-19, but has picked up a thigh injury.
  • Skipper Josuha Guilavogui, a key cog in the works, is nearing a return from a thigh injury.
  • Kevin Mbabu has recovered from a knee injury while William is nearing a return to the squad after battling back from an ACL injury.
  • Goalkeeper Koen Casteels has shaken off a knee injury and the versatile Ridle Baku has impressed since joining from Mainz.
  • by whoscored

아드미르 메흐메디는 아킬레스건 부상으로, 레나토 스테펜은 허벅지 문제로 고전하고 있다. 유니스 말리도 요통을 느끼고 있다.
수비수 마린 퐁라치치가 COVID-19 시합을 끝냈지만 허벅지 부상을 입었다.
이 작품의 핵심 톱니바퀴인 스키퍼 조수하 기일라보구이가 허벅지 부상에서 복귀를 눈앞에 두고 있다.
윌리엄이 ACL 부상에서 회복한 뒤 복귀를 눈앞에 두고 있는 동안 케빈 음바부는 무릎 부상에서 회복했다.
골키퍼 쿤 카스테엘스는 무릎 부상을 털어냈고 다재다능한 리들 바쿠는 마인츠에서 합류한 이후 깊은 인상을 남겼다.



by sportsmole

실제로 볼프스부르크는 지난 금요일 밤 아인트라흐트 프랑크푸르트를 상대로 2-1로 승리함으로써 지난 7번의 리그 경기에서 21점 만점에 17점이라는 매우 인상적인 승리를 거두었다.

바스 도스트의 후반 페널티킥으로 볼프스부르크의 이번 시즌 무패 기록이 끝날 위기에 처했지만 우트 웨고르스트는 경기 막판 몇 분 동안 승리를 거두기 전 자신의 한 팀과 함께 프로시저를 평정했다.

개막 3경기에서 골을 넣지 못한 네덜란드의 스트라이커는 볼프스부르크를 챔피언스리그 예선전으로 끌어올리는데 도움을 주기 위해 최근 리그 8경기에서 9골을 넣었다. 르완도크시, 티모 베르너, 자돈 산초만이 지난 시즌 웨고르스트보다 분데스리가 골을 더 많이 넣었기 때문에 올리버 글라스너가 몸매를 유지하고 컨디션을 유지하는 데 도움을 줄 수 있다면 그의 팀은 기대 이상의 활약을 펼칠 수 있는 모든 기회를 가질 수 있다.

이번 시즌 디 울프가 원정에서 단 한 번 우승한 적은 있지만, 수요일 뮌헨에서도 그럴 것이 분명하므로 또 한 번의 무승부는 좋은 결과로 여겨져야 할 것이다.



Wolfsburg, meanwhile, will be without Joshua Guilavogui and Admir Mehmedi with muscle and Achilles tendon issues respectively.

Glasner does not possess the wealth of options Flick has at his disposal, so is likely to utilise the same XI to remain as competitive as possible.

by sportsmole

한편 볼프스부르크는 근육과 아킬레스건 문제를 각각 안고 있는 조슈아 길라보구이와 아드미르 메메디 없이 활동하게 된다.

글래스너는 플릭크가 마음대로 선택할 수 있는 풍부한 옵션을 보유하고 있지 않기 때문에 가능한 한 경쟁력을 유지하기 위해 동일한 XI를 활용할 가능성이 높다.



VfL Wolfsburg go into this clash following a 2-1 Bundesliga 1 win to beat Eintracht Frankfurt in their previous fixture.

In that game, VfL Wolfsburg managed 54% possession and 18 shots on goal with 9 of them on target. The scorer for VfL Wolfsburg was Wout Weghorst (76', 88'). At the other end, Eintracht Frankfurt got 7 attempts on goal with 4 of them on target. Bas Dost (62') was the scorer for Eintracht Frankfurt.

Demonstrating their predisposition for high-scoring encounters, goals have been scored 22 times in the last six games in which VfL Wolfsburg have taken to the field, making it an average of 3.67 goals each meeting. Opposition teams have hit 8 from this total.

Going into this one, VfL Wolfsburg are undefeated in their last 6 league matches away from home.

Wolfsburg manager Oliver Glasner has to choose from a squad that has some fitness concerns. Admir Mehmedi (Achilles tendon problems) and Josuha Guilavogui (Torn Muscle Fibre) are those who can’t be considered.

by footballpredictions

VfL 볼프스부르크는 분데스리가 1-1로 승리하며 아인트라흐트 프랑크푸르트를 2-1로 꺾은 데 이어 이번 충돌에 돌입했다.

그 경기에서 VfL 볼프스부르크는 54%의 점유율을 기록했고, 이 중 9개를 목표로 한 18개의 슛을 골로 연결했다. VfL 볼프스버그의 득점자는 Wout Weghorst(76's, 88')이었다. 반면 아인트라흐트 프랑크푸르트는 7차례나 골을 성공시켰고 이 중 4차례가 목표물에 올랐다. 바스 도스트(62년)는 아인트라흐트 프랑크푸르트의 득점왕이었다.

고득점 접전 성향을 드러낸 VfL 볼프스부르크는 최근 6경기에서 22차례나 골이 터지며 매회 평균 3.67골이 됐다. 야당 팀은 이 중에서 8개를 기록했다.

여기에 들어가면 VfL 볼프스부르크는 홈에서 떨어진 마지막 리그 6경기에서 무패.

볼프스부르크의 올리버 글라스너 감독은 체력 문제가 있는 선수단을 선택해야 한다. 아흐마디르 메메디(아킬레스건 문제)와 조수하 기일라보구이(탈진 근육섬유)는 생각할 수 없는 사람들이다.

[ predictions ]

  • Wolfsburg played on Friday so have had an extra day's rest for the trip to Bavaria.
  • Wolfsburg have shared the spoils on six occasions already this term, but still boast an unblemished record in the Bundesliga, one of only two unbeaten teams in the Bundesliga alongside pacesetters Bayer Leverkusen.
  • Bayern have netted in all 11 games this season, and in their previous 72 games, Bayern have failed to score on only two occasions, both against Leipzig who they played recently.
  • Drawing three of their last four, Bayern have notably been trailing in their last five games, but fought back to earn nine points.
  • On home soil, one would fancy champions Bayern to end Wolfsburg's unbeaten run. 2-1
  • by whoscored

볼프스부르크는 금요일에 경기를 해서 바이에른으로 가는 여행을 위해 하루 더 휴식을 취했다.
볼프스부르크는 이번 시즌에 벌써 6차례나 우승컵을 나눠 가졌지만, 여전히 바이엘 레버쿠젠과 함께 분데스리가에서 두 차례 무패 팀 중 하나인 분데스리가에서 흠잡을 데 없는 기록을 자랑하고 있다.
바이에른은 올 시즌 11경기에서 모두 쐐기를 박았고, 이전 72경기에서 바이에른은 최근 출전한 라이프치히를 상대로 모두 두 차례만 득점에 실패했다.
지난 4경기 중 3경기를 비긴 바이에른은 지난 5경기에서 눈에 띄게 뒤졌지만 승점 9점을 따내기 위해 반격했다.
홈그라운드에서는 볼프스부르크가 무패 행진을 끝내기 위해 바이에른의 챔피언을 꿈꾸게 된다.



We say: Bayern Munich 2-1 Wolfsburg

We expect a closely-fought encounter at Allianz Arena, with Wolfsburg's unbeaten domestic record this season potentially coming to an end.

Lewandowski and Weghorst may prove to be the key performers on the pitch; whoever takes the chances which will surely come their way may be the match-winner on the day.

by sportsmole

우리는 말한다: 바이에른 뮌헨 2-1 볼프스부르크
올 시즌 볼프스부르크의 무패 국내 신기록이 잠재적으로 끝나면서 알리안츠 아레나에서 팽팽히 맞설 것으로 기대한다.

레반도프스키와 웨고르스트는 경기장에서 중요한 연주자임을 증명할 수 있을 것이다. 누가 기회를 잡든 그 날 경기에서 승리할 수 있을 것이다.



In our view, Bayern Munich are likely to dominate possession and create several successful chances.

At the same time, VfL Wolfsburg will not find it easy to get a goal of their own although we do see them converting at least once.

We therefore think that it’s going to be a controlled 3-1 win for Bayern Munich at the end of the match.

by footballpredictions

우리가 볼 때 바이에른 뮌헨은 점유율을 장악하고 여러 번의 성공적인 기회를 창출할 가능성이 높다.

동시에, VfL 볼프스버그는 우리가 그들이 적어도 한 번 변환하는 것을 보긴 하지만 그들 자신의 목표를 얻는 것은 쉽지 않을 것이다.

따라서 우리는 경기 막판 바이에른 뮌헨의 3-1 완승이 될 것으로 생각한다.




  • Bayern Munich have failed to win three of their last four Bundesliga games.
  • Wolfsburg are unbeaten in the Bundesliga this season, drawing six of their 11 games.
  • Half of Wolfsburg’s draws this season have ended 1-1.

Wolfsburg set to make life difficult for Bayern

Bayern Munich slipped up again on Saturday as they faltered to a 1-1 draw away to Union Berlin, allowing Bayer Leverkusen to leapfrog them at the top of the table and sending them into this midweek round of fixtures a point adrift of the surprise leaders.

The reigning Bundesliga champions have now failed to win three of their last four league games, and while they’re heavy favourites on Wednesday we think the visitors have a good chance of causing another upset.

Wolfsburg are one of only two teams that remain unbeaten in the Bundesliga this season, with five wins and six draws putting them 4th in the table. A trip to Munich will undoubtedly be their biggest test yet, but it comes at a good time for Die Wolfe after having won four of their last five matches.

With Bayern slipping recently and only actually winning seven of their 11 league games this season, backing Wolfsburg to get something could be a good option on Wednesday. We aren’t expecting them to take all three points though, and with three of their six draws this season ending 1-1 that’s our pick for the correct score prediction.

by freesupertips

바이에른 뮌헨은 최근 분데스리가 4경기 중 3경기를 이기지 못했다.
볼프스부르크는 올 시즌 분데스리가에서 11경기 중 6경기를 무패행진하고 있다.
올 시즌 볼프스부르크의 무승부 중 절반이 1-1로 끝났다.
볼프스부르크는 바이에른의 삶을 힘들게 할 것이다.
바이에른 뮌헨은 22일(현지시간) 베를린 유니온에 1-1 무승부를 기록, 바이에른 레버쿠젠이 1-1 무승부를 기록, 바이에른 레버쿠젠이 1-1 무승부를 기록, 지난주 중반 기습적인 지도자들을 따돌리고 경기장에 투입했다.

현재 분데스리가 챔피언인 그는 지난 리그 4경기 중 3경기를 이기지 못했으며 수요일에 많은 관심을 받고 있지만 우리는 방문자들이 또 한번의 역풍을 일으킬 가능성이 있다고 생각한다.

볼프스부르크는 올 시즌 분데스리가에서 유일하게 무패 행진을 이어가고 있는 두 팀 중 하나로 5승 6무로 4위를 차지했다. 뮌헨 방문은 의심할 여지 없이 그들의 가장 큰 시험대가 될 것이지만, 그것은 그들의 마지막 다섯 경기 중 네 경기를 이긴 디 울프에게 좋은 시기에 온다.

최근 바이에른이 미끄러져 올 시즌 리그 11경기 중 7경기만 우승한 상황에서 볼프스부르크를 밀어내는 것이 수요일에 좋은 선택이 될 수 있다. 하지만 우리는 그들이 3점을 모두 가져갈 것이라고 예상하지 못하며, 이번 시즌 6무 중 3무가 1-1로 끝나면서, 우리가 선택한 것은 정확한 점수 예측이다.

♡ 글쓴이에게 힘이되는 댓글과 공감 부탁드립니다 ♡
