Preview : Mainz 05 vs FC Koln [ 프리뷰 : 마인츠 vs 쾰른 ]

Germany Bundesliga League

Preview : Mainz 05 vs FC Koln [ 프리뷰 : 마인츠 vs 쾰른 ]

white suit 2020. 12. 12. 14:41

[ Head to Head ]

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[ Probable Lineups ]

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Mainz 05 possible starting lineup:
Zentner; St-Juste, Niakhate, Hack; Brosinski, Fernandes, Barreiro, Martin; Boetius, Quaison; Mateta

FC Koln possible starting lineup:
T. Horn; J. Horn, Bornauw, Cestic; Skhiri; Wolf, Ozcan, Rexhbecaj, Jakobs; Thielmann, Duda

by sportsmole

[ Mainz 05 news ]

  • Youngster Marius Liesegang has a back injury.
  • Key striker Jean-Philippe Mateta needs to score the goals for a Mainz victory.
  • Levin Öztunali will not play again this year because of a thigh injury.
  • Philipp Mwene is ruled out with an ankle injury, but skipper Danny Latza is available after suspension.
  • Pierre Kunde Malong is over his encounter with COVID-19.
  • Stefan Bell, Edimilson Fernandes and Dong-Won Ji are all options from the bench.
  • Former Real Madrid striker Ádám Szalai has had a knee op.
  • by whoscored

어린 마리우스 리제강이 허리 부상을 입었다.
핵심 공격수 장필리프 마테타가 마인츠 승리를 위해 골을 넣어야 한다.
레빈 외즈투날리는 허벅지 부상으로 올해도 출전하지 않는다.
필립 므웬은 발목 부상으로 제외되지만, 스키퍼 대니 라짜는 출전 정지를 당한 후에 출전할 수 있다.
피에르 쿤데 말롱은 COVID-19와의 만남을 끝냈다.
스테판 벨, 에디밀슨 페르난데스, 지동원 등은 모두 벤치에서 선택할 수 있는 옵션이다.
전 레알 마드리드 공격수 아담 스잘라이가 무릎 수술을 받았다.



by sportsmole


마인츠는 지난달 7차 시도에서 샬케와의 무승부가 프라이부르크와의 승리와 호펜하임과의 또 다른 교착상태에 빠진 가운데, 분데스리가의 2020-21 유세의 첫 포인트를 주장하다가 마침내 코너를 돌린 것처럼 보였다.

얀 모리츠 리히테의 부하들은 올 시즌에도 골과 성적을 내기 위해 고군분투하고 있는 새로 영입한 아르미니아와 맞대결을 펼치며 4차전에서 무패의 절호의 기회를 맞았으나 마인츠는 2019-202로 2-1로 패했다.지난 토요일 분데스리가 챔피언들.

케빈 스토거는 그 경기에서 시즌 첫 골을 넣기 위해 벤치에서 나왔지만, 그 피해는 리츠 도안과 마누엘 프리틀이 모두 아르미니아에게 가방을 메인츠를 지구로 추락하게 한 후, 일찍부터 이루어졌다.

프라이부르크에서 승리한 후 상황은 다이하눌펀퍼에게 불리해지기 시작했지만, 마인츠는 아르미니아를 상대로 혹독한 현실감을 부여받고 여전히 강등권에 앉아 있는데, 비통하고 승리가 없는 샬케가 10경기 만에 리히테의 남자들보다 더 적은 점수를 쌓았다.

이번 주말 진행자들은 아르미니아도 프라이부르크에 패할 경우 3위권 밖으로 올라설 기회가 있지만 마인츠가 패하고 샬케가 아우크스부르크에서 승리할 경우 리히테의 부하들은 주말 내내 골밑에서 경기를 마칠 것이다.




Mainz right-back Daniel Brosinski did not take part in the loss to Arminia owing to gastrointestinal problems, but the 32-year-old is now fit again and ready to be called upon.

However, the same cannot be said for Levin Oztunali, who is expected to remain sidelined with a thigh injury until the new year.

Stoger is pushing for a start after coming off the bench to net in last Saturday's defeat, but the 27-year-old is unlikely to displace Jean-Paul Boetius or Robin Quaison behind Jean-Philippe Mateta.

by sportsmole

마인츠 오른쪽 수비수 다니엘 브로신스키는 위장 문제로 아르미니아에게 패하는 데 가담하지 않았지만, 32살의 이 선수는 이제 다시 건강해져서 소집될 준비가 되었다.

그러나 새해까지 허벅지 부상으로 이탈한 채 있을 것으로 예상되는 레빈 오즈투날리에게도 같은 말을 할 수는 없다.

스토거는 지난 토요일 패배에서 골망을 향해 벤치를 내려간 후 출발을 추진하고 있지만 27세의 장 폴 보에티우스나 로빈 퀘이슨을 장필리프 마테타의 뒤를 이을 가능성은 낮다.



Mainz will be wanting a better result here after a 2-1 Bundesliga 1 loss in their previous game against Arminia Bielefeld.

In that game, Mainz had 51% possession and 14 attempts at goal with 4 of them on target. The scorer for Mainz was Kevin Stöger (82'). On the other side, Arminia Bielefeld got 12 shots on goal with 5 on target. Manuel Prietl (21') and Ritsu Dōan (31') scored for Arminia Bielefeld.

Three or more goals per match have been seen in 5 of the past 6 fixtures where Mainz have played. Their opponents scored 12 of them in these games whereas Mainz managed to get a total of 10.

Taking a look at their past results, Mainz:

  • are unbeaten in the league by Cologne in their last 4 matches.
  • are unbeaten in their previous 2 home league matches.
  • haven’t won at home in the past 5 league matches. Fans are getting restless.

Levin Öztunali (Hamstring Injury), Ádám Szalai (Meniscal Injury) and Phillipp Mwene (Tear in a joint capsule) are unavailable for Mainz boss Jan-Moritz Lichte.

by footballpredictions

마인츠는 지난 아르미니아 빌레펠트와의 경기에서 분데스리가 1-1로 패한 후 더 나은 결과를 원하고 있다.

그 경기에서 마인츠는 51%의 점유율을 기록했고, 그 중 4개를 목표로 14번의 골 시도를 했다. 마인츠의 득점자는 케빈 스토거(82')이다. 상대편에서는 아르미니아 빌레펠트가 5개를 목표로 12개의 슛을 골로 연결했다. 마누엘 프리에틀(21'), 리츠 도안(31')이 아르미니아 빌레펠트를 상대로 득점했다.

마인츠가 출전했던 과거 6개 비지니스 중 5개 비지니스에서 경기당 3골 이상이 나왔다. 그들의 상대는 이 경기에서 그들 중 12명을 득점한 반면, 마인츠는 총 10명을 득점했다.

그들의 과거 결과를 보면서, Mainz:

쾰른에 의해 리그에서 무패가 되었다.
지난 두 번의 홈 리그 경기에서 무패였다.
지난 5번의 리그 경기에서 홈에서 이기지 못했다. 팬들이 안절부절못하고 있다.

레빈 외즈투날리(햄스트링 부상), 아힘 스잘라이(메니스칼 부상), 필립 므웬(공동 캡슐에 티어)은 마인츠 감독 얀 모리츠 리히테가 이용할 수 없다.

[ FC Koln news ]

  • Sebastian Andersson is struggling with a knee problem, while fellow striker Anthony Modeste just cannot shake off a muscle injury to enable him to play the full 90 minutes. Jan Thielmann could also play as a "false nine" as a result.
  • Stalwart Jonas Hector is nearing a comeback from a neck injury, and Florian Kainz is also closing in on a return from a knee injury.
  • Koln have signed Nigerian talent Tolu Arokodare on loan to boost competition for places up front.
  • Teenage centre-back Robert Voloder is over his encounter with COVID-19, while defender Jorge Meré has recovered from a muscle injury.
  • by whoscored

세바스찬 안데르손은 무릎 부상으로 고전하고 있는 반면 동료 공격수 앤서니 모데스는 90분 내내 뛸 수 있도록 근육 부상을 떨쳐낼 수 없다. 얀 티엘만은 결과적으로 "거짓말 9"로도 활약할 수 있었다.
스탈와트 요나스 헥터 목 부상 복귀가 임박했고 플로리안 카인즈도 무릎 부상 복귀에 바짝 다가섰다.
Koln은 나이지리아의 재능 있는 Tolu Arokodare와 임대 계약을 체결하여 전방 지역 경쟁을 활성화시켰다.
10대 센터백인 로버트 볼로더는 COVID-19와의 만남을 극복했고 수비수 호르헤 메레는 근육 부상에서 회복했다.



by sportsmole

Koln의 전반적인 결과는 Billy Dorgins에게 암울한 읽기를 만들어 주지만, Markus Gisdol은 상위 5위 안에 있는 팀을 상대로 두 번의 인상적인 결과를 낸 후에 틀림없이 기뻐할 것이다.

기스돌의 부하들은 9번째 시도에서 시즌 첫 승을 거뒀지만, 콜이 보루시아 도르트문트의 잔디에서 2-1로 승리하며 대기할 가치가 있는 경기였고, 빌리 고스 역시 지난 토요일 무패 볼프스부르크와의 대결에서 한 점을 만회할 수 있었다.

온드레지 두다와 얀 티엘만은 그 4골 스릴러에서 지스돌의 부하들을 공격했지만, 현재 콜른은 마지막 7경기에서 두 번밖에 패배를 맛보지 못한 반면, 현재 3골 차만이 그들을 하위 3골에서 제외시키고 있다.

프라이부르크와 아르미니아의 또 다른 물밑 충돌은 이번 주말까지 순위에 큰 영향을 미치게 되며, 콜린은 결과에 따라 이번 주말을 14일이나 17일 정도로 마무리할 수 있다.

마인츠는 지난 시즌 콜른의 잔디에서 2-2 무승부를 펼치기 전 이 경기장에서 3-1로 승리했으며 빌리 고든스는 2016-17 선거전 이후 다이 눌펀퍼에게 승리를 거두지 못했다.



Koln midfielder Salih Ozcan had to come off just before the 40-minute mark in the draw with Wolfsburg, but the 22-year-old has been training since and should be fine for this six-pointer.

A further boost for the visitors is captain Jonas Hector making his return to team training, and the midfielder is in contention to feature against Mainz.

Rafael Czichos and Florian Kainz remain on the treatment table, but Gisdol is not expected to make many changes after two respectable results.

by sportsmole

볼프스부르크와의 조추첨에서 콜른 미드필더 살리 오즈칸은 40분 전에 출발해야 했지만, 22살의 볼프스버그는 그 이후로 훈련을 해왔기 때문에 이 6점슛은 괜찮을 것이다.

방문객들에게 더 큰 힘이 되고 있는 것은 주장 조나스 헥터가 팀 훈련에 복귀하는 것이고, 미드필더는 마인츠와 경기를 치르려고 경쟁하고 있다.

라파엘 치초스와 플로리안 카인즈는 치료대상에 남아 있지만, 지스돌은 두 번의 존경할 만한 결과가 나온 후에도 많은 변화를 일으키지 않을 것으로 보인다.



In their last game, Cologne drew 2-2 in the Bundesliga 1 match with VfL Wolfsburg.

In that game, Cologne had 38% possession and 6 shots on goal with 3 on target. For Cologne, the goals were scored by Jan Thielmann (18') and Ondrej Duda (43'). For their opponents, VfL Wolfsburg got 15 attempts on goal with 6 on target. Maximilian Arnold (29') and Wout Weghorst (47') scored for VfL Wolfsburg.

The stats tell the story, and Cologne have been scored against in 6 of their last 6 games, seeing opposing sides hit 9 goals in all. In defence, Köln have not been doing too well. Regardless, it remains to be seen whether the trend shall be sustained in this game or not.

Going into this game, the form guide shows that Cologne:

  • have left without a victory over Mainz in away games against them for the last 3 league matches.
  • have not been beaten in their last 3 away league matches.

Owing to a completely healthy group ready to go, Cologne manager Markus Gisdol does not have any fitness worries whatsoever ahead of this game.

by footballpredictions

쾰른은 마지막 경기에서 VfL 볼프스부르크와 분데스리가 1차전에서 2-2로 비겼다.

그 경기에서 쾰른은 38%의 점유율을 기록했고, 목표물 3개를 획득하며 6개의 슛을 골로 연결했다. 쾰른의 경우 얀 티엘만(18인치)과 온드레지 두다(43인치)가 골로 연결했다. VfL 볼프스부르크는 상대팀에게 15번의 골 시도와 6번의 골이 터졌다. VfL 볼프스부르크에서는 막시밀리안 아놀드(29'), 우트 웨고르스트(47')가 득점했다.

통계에 따르면 쾰른은 지난 6경기 중 6경기 동안 상대편이 모두 9골을 넣는 것을 보고 득점했다. 수비에 있어서 쾰른은 그다지 좋은 성적을 거두지 못했다. 여하튼 이번 경기에서 그 추세가 지속될지 지켜볼 일이다.

이 게임에 들어가 보면 폼 가이드에 쾰른이 다음과 같이 나와 있다.

지난 3번의 리그 경기에서 마인츠와 원정 경기에서 승리하지 못한 채 떠났다.
지난 3번의 원정 경기에서 패배한 적이 없다.

쾰른의 마르쿠스 지스돌 감독은 이번 경기를 앞두고 전혀 체력적인 걱정이 없다.

[ Prediction ]

  • In a genuine coupon buster, Koln recently broke their long 18-game winless run at Borussia Dortmund, of all places, to give under-pressure coach Markus Gisdol some breathing space.
  • Koln have not lost away in three games and can avoid defeat here too.
  • Mainz have not kept a clean sheet all season and a draw could be the answer. 1-1
  • by whoscored

진정한 쿠폰 버스터에서, 콜른은 최근 모든 장소들 중 보루시아 도르트문트에서 18게임 무승부를 기록, 압박감 있는 코치 마르쿠스 지스돌에게 약간의 숨통을 틔웠다.
콜른은 3경기에서 패한 적이 없으며 여기서도 패배를 면할 수 있다.
마인츠는 시즌 내내 깨끗한 경기를 펼치지 못했고 무승부가 해답이 될 수 있었다.1-1



We say: Mainz 05 1-2 FC Koln

Both of these strugglers have been showing the early signs of a welcome revival in recent weeks, and the two managers should set their sides up to attack in what is certainly a winnable game for both Mainz and Koln. However, the confidence will be much higher in the visitors' camp in comparison to a Mainz side who just lost to one of the newly-promoted teams, so we are tipping the Billy Goats to come up trumps on Saturday.

by sportsmole

우리는 말한다: 마인츠 05 1-2 FC 콜른
이 둘 다 최근 몇 주 동안 반가운 부활의 초기 징후를 보여왔으며, 두 감독은 마인츠와 콜른 모두에게 확실히 승산이 있는 게임인 것을 공격하기 위해 편을 짜야 한다. 그러나 막 새로 영입한 팀 중 한 팀에게 패배한 마인츠 쪽과 비교하면 방문자 캠프에서 자신감은 훨씬 높을 것이기 때문에 우리는 토요일날 빌리 고트스에게 트럼프를 제안하도록 팁을 주고 있다.



We’re of the opinion that Cologne and Mainz should both get enough opportunities to score, although it’s hard to separate the two.

A close call, and we think a draw is quite likely. We’re therefore expecting a hard-fought 1-1 score at the end of this game.

by footballpredictions

우리는 쾰른과 마인츠 둘 다 득점할 기회를 충분히 얻어야 한다고 생각하지만, 둘 다 분리하기는 어렵지만.

아슬아슬하게 무승부가 될 것 같다 따라서 우리는 이 경기가 끝날 때 힘든 1-1 득점을 기대하고 있다.




  • Both teams have scored in each of Mainz and Cologne’s last six matches.
  • Both teams have scored in each of the last three meetings between the pair.
  • Mainz have lost three of their five home games in the Bundesliga.

Cologne to edge close encounter with Mainz

Mainz saw their three-game unbeaten run come to an end at the home of newly-promoted Arminia Bielefeld last weekend. Saturday’s hosts have endured a poor start to the new season and currently wallow in the relegation zone.

Things might not get any easier for Mainz this weekend, despite the fact they are playing a Cologne side that sits just 2pts and two places above them. The hosts have really struggled at home this season, failing to win any of their five matches at the OPEL ARENA.

If that wasn’t bad enough, Mainz have also failed to keep a single clean sheet in their opening ten league games. However, Mainz have scored in each of their last eight fixtures and striker Jean Philippe Mateta has 7-goals to his name.

Cologne lost their first away game of the season but have remained unbeaten in their following four matches on the road. The visitors have picked up to very good results in their last two outings, beating Dortmund 2-1 away and drawing 2-2 at home with undefeated Wolfsburg.

Cologne, like Mainz, are also without a clean sheet in the league this season, which is why a bet on both teams to score in Saturday’s clash makes the most sense. The host’s home record and the visitor’s form on their travels make a final scoreline of 2-1 in Cologne’s favour a decent prediction.

by freesupertips


두 팀 모두 마인츠와 쾰른의 최근 6경기에서 각각 골을 넣었다.
두 팀 모두 지난 세 번의 만남에서 각각 골을 넣었다.
마인츠는 분데스리가에서 치른 5번의 홈경기 중 3번의 패배를 맛봤다.
쾰른이 마인츠와 아슬아슬한 만남을 예고했다.
마인츠는 지난 주말 새로 영입한 아르미니아 빌레펠트의 홈에서 3경기 무패행진이 막을 내렸다. 토요일의 개최국들은 새 시즌의 좋지 않은 출발을 견뎌냈고 현재 강등권에 뒹굴고 있다.

마인츠가 2피트와 2피트에 불과한 쾰른 편을 연기하고 있음에도 불구하고 이번 주말은 상황이 더 쉽게 풀리지 않을지도 모른다. 주최측은 올 시즌 오펠 아레나에서 열린 다섯 경기 중 단 한 경기도 이기지 못한 채 홈에서 정말 고군분투했다.

그것이 충분히 나쁘지만 않다면, 메인즈는 또한 그들의 리그 개막전 10경기에서 단 한 장의 깨끗한 경기도 지키지 못했다. 하지만, 마인츠는 마지막 8개의 경기에서 각각 골을 넣었고, 스트라이커 장 필리프 마테타는 그의 이름에 7골을 넣었다.

쾰른은 시즌 첫 원정경기에서 패했지만 이후 4경기 연속 무패 행진을 이어갔다. 방문객들은 도르트문트를 2-1로 누르고 무패 볼프스버그로 홈에서 2-2로 비기는 등 지난 두 번의 원정에서 매우 좋은 결과를 얻었다.

쾰른 역시 마인츠와 마찬가지로 올 시즌 리그에서 깨끗한 한 장이 없는 상황이라 토요일 충돌에서 양 팀에게 골을 내주는 게 가장 일리가 있는 이유다. 진행자의 홈 기록과 여행 중 방문자의 형태는 쾰른에게 유리한 최종 점수 2-1을 만들어 준다.


