Preview : Atalanta vs Roma [ 프리뷰 : 아탈란타 vs 로마 ] < Dec 20, 2020 at 5pm UK at Stadio Atleti Azzurri d'Italia >

Italy Serie A League

Preview : Atalanta vs Roma [ 프리뷰 : 아탈란타 vs 로마 ] < Dec 20, 2020 at 5pm UK at Stadio Atleti Azzurri d'Italia >

white suit 2020. 12. 20. 13:40

[ head to head ]

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[ probable Lineups ]

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Atalanta BC possible starting lineup:
Gollini; Palomino, Romero, Djimsiti; Hateboer, De Roon, Freuler, Gosens; Malinovskyi, Pessina; Zapata

Roma possible starting lineup:
Mirante; Mancini, Smalling, Ibanez; Karsdorp, Veretout, Pellegrini, Spinazzola; Pedro, Mkhitaryan; Dzeko

by sportsmole

[ Atalanta news ]

  • No changes are expected in this starting lineup.
  • by whoscored

이 선발 라인업은 변경이 예상되지 않는다.



by sportsmole

아탈란타는 로마에서 경기를 치르고 있음에도 불구하고 지안 피에로 가스페리니 감독과의 극적인 승부차기로 인해 그들의 핵심 선수인 알레한드로 '파푸' 고메즈가 탈락하면서 승점 18점으로 추락해 8위에 올랐다.

우디네세와의 만남이 갑작스러운 홍수 때문에 연기된 이후, 아탈란타는 아마도 유럽과 이탈리아 반도를 왔다 갔다 하는 것보다는 훈련장에서 보내는 드문 며칠간의 휴식의 혜택을 느꼈을 것이다.

베르가마스치를 위한 3번의 연속 경기에서, 그들은 암스테르담에서 아약스를 이기고 챔피언스 리그에 진출했고, 그 후 피오렌티나와 유벤투스와 함께 리그 경기에서 4점을 얻었다.

고메즈와 가스페리니 사이에 격렬하게 벌어진 논쟁은, 이 클럽의 있을 것 같지 않은 르네상스의 수석 건축가들인데, 이 네라주리 주장은 1월 이적 시장에서 매각될 수도 있다는 보고로 귀결되어, 이전에 가장 단결된 진영으로 여겨졌던 복장으로 상당한 내분을 야기시켰다.

쥬브를 상대로 한 교체 선수로 여전히 던져진 파푸의 잠재적인 부재에도 불구하고, 골로 가는 길을 찾는 것이 이번 주말에 아탈란타에게 주요 쟁점이 되어서는 안 된다. 이번 시즌에 라 데아에서 골을 넣은 12명의 선수들이 있으며, 그들의 집단적인 힘과 모든 각도에서 공격하겠다는 의지를 보여주고 있다 - 특히 아웃 와이드.

하지만, 주 공격수 두반 사파타는 여전히 두 개의 리그 골 - 그의 칼리브랜드 선수에 비해 훨씬 낮은 - 에 머물고 있으며, 그들의 최고 득점자는 고메즈로 남아있다.

강력한 레모 프룰러 스트라이크와 크리스티아누 호날두의 특징 없는 페널티킥으로 인해 챔피언들을 상대로 승점을 확보한 후, 아탈란타는 특히 그들이 지알로시와의 마지막 11세리에A 경기 중 10경기에서 무패라는 점에서 로마의 방문을 더욱 자신 있게 준비해야 한다.

이 인상적인 연속의 일환으로, 아탈란타는 로마와의 마지막 홈경기에서 승리했는데, 그들은 1964년 9월 이후 로마와의 홈경기에서 2연승을 거두지 못했기 때문에 이번 주말에 마침내 승리를 거두는 것을 목표로 할 것이다.



Gian Piero Gasperini will certainly be without Mattia Caldara, teenage full-back Matteo Ruggeri and Mario Pasalic, who has undergone hernia surgery and will not return until late next month.

Atalanta defender Rafael Toloi is also doubtful for Sunday's game, so Cristian Romero and Jose Luis Palomino should occupy central defence alongside Berat Djimsiti in the Brazilian's potential absence.

Josip Ilicic may again miss out due to illness, while major question marks remain over the selection of influential skipper Papu Gomez behind Duvan Zapata. If he continues his penance on the bench, then Ruslan Malinovskyi and Matteo Pessina would start in support of the out-of-form Colombian striker.

by sportsmole

지안 피에로 가스페리니는 확실히 마티아 칼다라, 십대 풀백 마테오 루게리와 마리오 파살릭이 탈장 수술을 받고 다음 달 말에나 돌아올 것이다.

아틀란타 수비수 라파엘 톨루이 역시 일요일 경기에 대해 의구심을 갖고 있기 때문에, 크리스티안 로메로와 호세 루이스 팔로미노가 브라질 팀의 불참 가능성에 대해 베라트 짐시티와 함께 중앙 수비를 맡아야 한다.

Josip Ilicic은 또 다시 병으로 인해 결장할 수도 있고, Duvan Zapata의 뒤를 잇는 영향력 있는 선수 Papu Gomez의 선발에 대한 주요 의문점들이 남아 있다. 만약 그가 벤치에 계속 참회한다면, 러슬란 말리노프스키와 마테오 페시나는 콜롬비아 공격수를 지지하기 시작할 것이다.



Atalanta enter this fixture following a 1-1 Serie A drawn game versus Juventus.

In that game, Atalanta had 46% possession and 15 shots at goal with 6 of them on target. The scorer for Atalanta was Remo Freuler (57'). For their opponents, Juventus got 12 shots on goal with 7 on target. Federico Chiesa (29') scored for Juventus.

Their more recent scorelines really do illustrate the point that not much more can be done by the Atalanta backline. La Dea have given the opposition little, with the tally of goals that have flown into the back of their net over the course of their past 6 clashes standing at 4. That aside, we must now wait to see whether such a trend might continue on in this next match or not.

Heading into this fixture, Atalanta haven't lost in the league to Roma in their last 5 matches.

Matteo Ruggeri (Unknown Injury), Mario Pasalic (Pubalgia), Marco Tumminello (Sideband injury) and Mattia Caldara (Patella problems) will not be able to play for Atalanta gaffer Gian Gasperini.

by footballpredictions

아탈란타는 유벤투스와의 세리에A 1-1 무승부 경기에 이어 이 경기에 출전한다.

그 경기에서, 아탈란타는 46%의 점유율과 15개의 슛을 기록했고, 그 중 6개는 목표에 도달했다. 아탈란타의 득점자는 레모 프룰러(57')였다. 유벤투스는 상대팀에게 골로 12개의 슛을 날렸고, 7개의 슛을 넣었다. 유벤투스에서 페데리코 치에사(29')가 골을 넣었다.

그들의 최근 성적표는 아틀란타 백라인으로는 더 많은 것을 할 수 없다는 점을 잘 보여준다. 라 데아는 야당을 거의 굴복시키지 않았는데, 지난 6번의 충돌 과정에서 골문 뒤쪽으로 날아간 골은 4개였다. 그런 점 말고도 다음 경기에서도 그런 추세가 계속될지 지켜봐야 한다.

이 경기를 앞두고, 아탈란타는 지난 5경기에서 로마에게 한 번도 패하지 않았다.

마테오 루게리(무명 부상), 마리오 파살리치(푸발기아), 마르코 투미넬로(사이드밴드 부상), 마티아 칼다라(파텔라 문제)는 아탈란타 가페르 지안 가스페리니에서 뛸 수 없다.

[ Roma news ]

  • Gianluca Mancini is fully fit and will start in defence for the Giallorossi.
  • by whoscored

지안루카 만시니는 완벽하게 건강하며 지알로시를 위해 수비에서 출발할 것이다.



by sportsmole

파울로 폰세카의 로마 팀은 목요일 10명의 토리노를 단번에 해임한 후, 국내와 유럽에서 계속해서 인상을 남겼고, 세리에 A에서 유벤투스와 같은 수준에 머물렀다.

지알로시 팀은 지금까지 17골을 내주며 물샐틈없는 수비와는 거리가 멀었지만 AC 밀란과 함께 지금까지 시즌 2위의 공격을 자랑한다.

지금까지 7골 5도움을 기록하고 있는 핵심 창의력인 앙리크 음하리얀이 올림피코에서 다시 골을 넣었고, 임상 페널티 전문가 조단 베레토트도 그 자리에서 또 다른 골을 기록했다. 전 보루시아 도르트문트 거장 음흐하리얀은 자신의 팀이 스쿠데토 경쟁자가 될 수 있는지 여부를 말하는 것은 "아직 이르다"고 주장하지만, 이것이 이 경주에서 잠재적인 다크호스의 목표가 될 수 있다.

로마의 스트라이커 에딘 제코는 최근 베르가모를 방문한 두 번의 세리에 A 경기 중 세리에 A에서 세리에 A에서 3골을 넣는 등 6번의 스트라이크 5골 1도움을 기록했다.

분명히, 그렇게 강력한 공격력을 가진 로마는 그들 자신의 격렬한 공격 게임에서 라 데아를 이길 것이다.

이에 따라 팬들과 중립국 모두 열광적인 일요일 저녁 장관을 연출할 수 있는 무대다.



Roma boss Paulo Fonseca's defensive injury list is finally receding - though Davide Santon remains unavailable. Therefore, the former Shakhtar Donetsk coach will have to choose between options such as Marash Kumbulla, ex-Atalanta man Gianluca Mancini and Roger Ibanez to start along with Chris Smalling in the Roma back three.

Antonio Mirante is expected to replace under-performing Pau Lopez in the Giallorossi goal.

by sportsmole

로마의 감독 파울로 폰세카의 방어적 부상자 명단이 마침내 줄어들고 있습니다. 다비드 산톤은 여전히 사용할 수 없습니다. 따라서, 전 샤흐타르 도네츠크 감독은 크리스 스몰링과 함께 로마에서 출발하기 위해서는 마라쉬 쿰불라, 전 아탈란타맨 지안루카 만시니, 로저 이바네즈와 같은 선택권들 중 하나를 선택해야 할 것이다.

안토니오 미란테가 지알로시 골에서 저조한 성적을 거둔 파울 로페즈를 대신할 것으로 예상된다.



Roma come into this match following a 3-1 Serie A win over Torino in their most recent game.

In that game, Roma managed 62% possession and 13 attempts at goal with 6 of them on target. For Roma, the goals were scored by Henrikh Mkhitaryan (27'), Jordan Veretout (43') and Lorenzo Pellegrini (68'). Torino had 17 attempts at goal with 5 of them on target. Andrea Belotti (73') was the scorer for Torino.

The numbers tell their own story, and Roma have been scored against in 5 of their last 6 games, seeing their opponents hit 10 goals in all. In defence, i Giallorossi seem to have a bit of a soft underbelly.

Going into this encounter, Roma are winless against Atalanta in away games against them for the last 2 matches in the league.

Roma manager Paulo Fonseca has multiple availability issues to deal with. Javier Pastore (Surgery) and Nicolò Zaniolo (Cruciate Ligament Rupture) are not able to play.

by footballpredictions

로마는 최근 경기에서 토리노를 3-1로 이긴 후 이 경기에 출전한다.

그 경기에서, 로마는 62%의 점유율과 13번의 골을 성공시켰고, 그 중 6번은 목표에 도달했다. 로마의 골은 앙리크 음크리탄(27'), 요르단 베레투트(43'), 로렌조 펠레그리니(68')가 넣었다. 토리노는 17번의 골 시도를 했고, 그 중 5번은 목표물에 넣었다. 안드레아 벨로티(73')는 토리노의 득점자였다.

이 숫자들은 그들만의 이야기를 담고 있고, 로마는 그들의 마지막 6경기 중 5경기에서 상대팀이 모두 10골을 넣는 것을 보고 득점했다. 방어에서, iGiallorosi는 약간 부드러운 아랫배를 가지고 있는 것처럼 보인다.

이번 맞대결에서 로마는 최근 2경기 동안 아탈란타와의 원정경기에서 무득점을 기록하고 있다.

로마 감독 파울로 폰세카는 여러 가지 가용성 문제를 해결해야 합니다. 하비에르 파스토레(수술)와 니콜로 자니올로는 출전할 수 없다.

[ predictions ]

  • Atalanta earned a point against Juventus in a very entertaining and intense game on Wednesday evening.
  • On the other hand, Roma demolished Torino 3-1 on Thursday and are head into the weekend third in the league.
  • These have been exciting fixtures in recent seasons between both teams and this one should be no exception. 2-2
  • by whoscored

아탈란타는 수요일 저녁 유벤투스를 상대로 매우 재미있고 치열한 경기에서 1점을 얻었다.
반면, 로마는 목요일에 토리노를 3-1로 완파하고, 리그에서 3위를 차지하기 위해 주말로 향하고 있다.
이것들은 최근 양 팀 사이의 흥미로운 경기들이었고 이번 경기도 예외는 아니어야 한다. 2-2



We say: Atalanta BC 1-2 Roma

Two well-matched and consistently entertaining sides meet on Sunday, but only one is likely to make any sort of sustained challenge for Scudetto glory.

With their greater experience - including Pedro, Dzeko and Mkhitaryan - plus exciting options on the bench, Roma can take advantage of any lingering disharmony in the Atalanta camp by notching at least another couple of crucial goals in Lombardy.

by sportsmole

우리는 말한다: 아탈란타 BC 1-2 로마
서로 잘 어울리고 지속적으로 즐겁게 지내는 두 사람이 일요일에 만나지만, 한 사람만이 스쿠데토에게 영광을 돌리기 위해 지속적인 도전을 할 가능성이 높다.

페드로, 제코, 음하리안을 포함한 그들의 더 큰 경험과 벤치에 앉아 흥미진진한 선택으로, 로마는 롬바르디아에서 적어도 두 가지 중요한 목표를 달성함으로써 아탈란타 캠프에서 지속되는 불협화음을 이용할 수 있다.



In our view, Atalanta can and should get a lot of shots on goal and make them count.

At the other end, Roma could well find it tough to break down their defence but do we see them converting at least once here, too.

Therefore, we are anticipating a fairly comfortable 3-1 winning score for Atalanta at the conclusion of the game.

by footballpredictions

우리가 볼 때, 아틀란타는 골로 많은 슛을 날릴 수 있고, 셀 수 있도록 해야 한다.

반면에 로마는 그들의 방어를 무너뜨리는 것이 힘들다는 것을 잘 알 수 있지만 우리는 그들이 여기서 적어도 한번은 전향하는 것을 볼 수 있을까?

따라서, 우리는 경기가 끝날 때 아탈란타에게 3-1로 꽤 편안한 승리를 기대하고 있다.



  • Roma have scored 27 times in their first 12 league games this season
  • Atalanta have scored more goals against Roma than any other Serie A side (132)
  • Roma have scored at least twice in 16 of their last 20 league games

In-form Roma to entertain in Bergamo

Roma come into this clash with Atalanta in entertaining form, having just claimed two big league wins. The Giallorossi have won 3-1 against Torino and 5-1 against Bologna in their last two and we see the goals continuing here.

Roma have scored 27 goals in their first 12 Serie A games this season. Meanwhile, Atalanta have scored at least twice in eight of their last 10 clashes with the Giallorossi.

Roma are the team against which Atalanta have scored the most goals in Serie A: 132 and at least two in each of their last five matches.

Roma come here with at least three goals scored in 18 of their last 21 games, while the visitors have scored twice in 16 of their last 20 league games. Everything here points to goals for us, so we’re backing over 3.5 to be scored in the game. Given how consistently the pair score twice, we see a 2-2 draw on the cards.

by freesupertips

로마는 이번 시즌 첫 12경기에서 27골을 넣었다.
아틀란타는 로마와의 경기에서 다른 세리에 A 팀(132골)보다 많은 골을 넣었다.
로마는 지난 20번의 리그 경기 중 16번의 경기에서 최소한 두 번은 득점했다.
베르가모에서 즐길 수 있는 형식 로마
로마는 아탈란타와 두 번의 빅리그 우승을 차지하며 격돌했다. 지알로로시는 마지막 두 경기에서 토리노를 상대로 3-1, 볼로냐를 상대로 5-1로 이겼고, 우리는 여기서 그 골이 계속되고 있는 것을 본다.

로마는 이번 시즌 첫 12번의 세리에A 경기에서 27골을 넣었다. 한편, 아탈란타는 지난 10번의 지알로시와의 충돌 중 8번에서 최소한 두 번 골을 넣었다.

로마는 아탈란타가 세리에 A에서 가장 많은 골을 넣은 팀이다: 132골, 그리고 그들의 마지막 다섯 경기에서 각각 최소 두 골.

로마는 지난 21경기 중 18경기에서 3골 이상을 넣은 반면, 원정대는 지난 20경기 중 16경기에서 2골을 넣었다. 여기 있는 모든 것이 우리에게 목표를 가리키고 있기 때문에, 우리는 게임에서 득점하기 위해 3.5점 이상을 지지하고 있다. 페어가 두 번이나 점수를 매기는 것을 감안하면, 우리는 2대 2 무승부를 볼 수 있다.

♡ 글쓴이에게 힘이되는 댓글과 공감 부탁드립니다 ♡

